Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful week. It’s back to school time for my family, so we all adjusting to new schedules and getting back in the swing of getting up super early. Which isn’t easy when you have a house full of night owls. 😉 I’m excited to have another […]
Wisdom Wednesday (Friday Edition) Molly Noble Bull
Hello everyone! I know that it’s not Wednesday, but our guest author just released a new book, and we thought we would do it today. 🙂 Welcome, Molly! Name: Molly Noble Bull Genre: Contemporary Romance-both historical and modern day novels. Publisher: Scrivenings Press Latest Novel: Bluebonnet Bride Writing Tip: Books I want to read begin […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Heather Greer
Hello everyone! I’m excited to re-launch my Wisdom Wednesday blog, and I can’t think of anyone else that I would love to be our starting guest author, then my friend, Heather Greer! Heather is one of my Once Upon a Page sisters and handles all of our video editing for our YouTube channel. And, she […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Jennifer Hallmark
Hello everyone! The last time we had Wisdom Wednesday, I was writing to you from St. Jude for my son’s last chemo treatment. Life’s been a whirlwind since then, and when we got home, it was time to start Kindergarten and find our “new normal.” Gabe is doing well and seems to enjoy school so […]
Wisdom Wednesday: June Foster
Today, I’m writing to you all from St. Jude. This is my son’s last week of treatment! He had his very last chemo treatment on Monday and will have surgery later this week to remove his port. I’m glad to have back author June Foster on Wisdom Wednesday. Welcome back, June! Name: June Foster […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Joanna White
I love it when we have brand new releases on Wisdom Wednesday. I had the privilege to be a part of Joanna White’s launch team and Facebook party yesterday with over twenty fantasy authors! Welcome to Wisdom Wednesday, Joanna and congratulations on your new release! Name: Joanna White Genre: Fantasy/Christian Fantasy Latest Novel: Shifter Writing Tip: […]
Wisdom Wednesday: M. L. Little
Do you find it difficult to draw from your emotions and experiences in your writing? Author M. L. Little is with us on #WisdomWednesday.
Wisdom Wednesday: Daniel J. Peyton
Last week, I spent a few days at a writing retreat. I came back with lots of information, new friends, more connections, and a new collaboration for a novella collection. But I also received inspiration. Writing retreats or conferences are perfect for boosting your motivation, but what happens when that runs out? Do you have […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Ada Brownell
Hello everyone! I’m posting from the KenTen Writers Retreat this week, and we are having a great time. If you haven’t had the chance to attend a writing retreat, I would highly recommend going. Beautiful settings, useful classes, and great networking with other authors. Today, we have author Ada Brownell with us for Wisdom Wednesday. […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Julie Arduini
As we approach Memorial Day, our schedules are going to start filling with all kinds of summer activities. My kids are already talking about swimming. And while I could easily sit by the pool all day, I have a summer deadline. Today, we have author Julie Arduini returning to Wisdom Wednesday to give us another […]