Hello everyone! The last time we had Wisdom Wednesday, I was writing to you from St. Jude for my son’s last chemo treatment. Life’s been a whirlwind since then, and when we got home, it was time to start Kindergarten and find our “new normal.” Gabe is doing well and seems to enjoy school so […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Beth Steury
Do you ever have one of those weeks where nothing has gone as you planned? Well, I’ve been in bed most of the week due to illness, so I’m definitely going to need our weekly boost of Writing Wisdom this week! This week, YA author, Beth Steury is our guest. Thanks for joining us, Beth. […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Dyane Forde
Happy Wednesday, everyone! How’s your writing goals going this week? To help push you through the rest of your week, author Dyane Forde is here this week to talk the journey you take as you write and using emotion. Thanks for joining us today, Dyane! Name: Dyane Forde Genre: General adult fantasy, speculative fiction Latest Novel: Berserker, book […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Jason C. Joyner
Join me today as fantasy author, Jason C. Joyner talks to us about that pesky internal editor.
Wisdom Wednesday: Patricia Bradley
I don’t know about you, but I am glad it’s Wednesday, and time for our weekly writing tips! This past week was rough. Our daughter sprained her ankle, so we’ve spent lots of time seeing two different doctors in addition to our weekly visit to St. Jude. However, I’m excited to announce that Patricia Bradley […]
Confession Friday: Motivation, where are you?
It’s Friday, and while I’m looking forward to the weekend, I can’t help but stare at my computer screen and my “to-do” list with a blank, unmotivated stare. Do you ever have those days? Confession time: this happens to me a lot. I know, I know, I’m cringing just typing this. But seriously, I have […]