I know I’ve been a little quiet on the blog, but I promise it’s for a good reason. Book three is almost ready for publication! YAY! We’ve already gone through the phases of edits and cover design, so now I just have to do the final read-through out loud. Then the countdown begins until February […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Joanna White
I love it when we have brand new releases on Wisdom Wednesday. I had the privilege to be a part of Joanna White’s launch team and Facebook party yesterday with over twenty fantasy authors! Welcome to Wisdom Wednesday, Joanna and congratulations on your new release! Name: Joanna White Genre: Fantasy/Christian Fantasy Latest Novel: Shifter Writing Tip: […]
Release Day!
It’s finally here! “A red blinking light from the safe room door caught her attention as she placed her toothbrush in the holder and left the bathroom. Purple, silk pajamas slipped through her fingers and landed at her feet. The smooth fabric tickled her toes as she tried to get her legs to cooperate and […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Chad Pettit
It’s our first Wisdom Wednesday of 2019! I’m excited to be back with you, and our guest authors. Today, we have fellow fantasy author, Chad Pettit with us. Thanks for joining us, Chad! Name: Chad Pettit Genre: Christian Fantasy and Biblical Fiction Current Release: Fate of the Watchman Writing Tip for Authors: Before you […]