How many books do you have on your bookshelves? Are they filled with only your favorite authors? Today, author Candace West shares her favorite writing tip on #WisdomWednesday.
March Events
I’m teaming up with fellow-author Regina Merrick for two writing workshops this month! If you are interested in writing, come out and join us. I also have a book signing this month for The Soul Searcher.
Wisdom Wednesday: Jodie Wolfe
How did you start writing your novel? Did you start with a character? With the setting? What led you to your story world? Today, we have author Jodie Wolfe on Wisdom Wednesday sharing with us a piece of writing advice we shouldn’t neglect. Welcome, Jodie! Name: Jodie Wolfe Genre: Christian Historical Romance Latest Release: To Claim Her […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Tabitha Bouldin
Do you enjoy the editing phase? Today, we have author Tabitha Bouldin on Wisdom Wednesday.
Wisdom Wednesday: Sandra Ardoin
Good morning, everyone! I’m back at my computer today, still a little swollen and itchy from my crazy allergic reaction. I still have no idea what caused it, but I have two more days of medicines, so hopefully, it will help. Today, we have author Sandra Ardoin with us to talk about her favorite writing […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Sally Chambers
Have you ever had an idea pop into your head but nothing handy to write it down? What’s the most creative tool you’ve used to jot it down? Join me for
Wisdom Wednesday with author Sally Chambers.
Wisdom Wednesday: Pam Watts Harris
How well do you know your characters? Author Pam Watts Harris is on Wisdom Wednesday.
Wisdom Wednesday: Barbara Brutt
How is it possible that we are already halfway through January? I look at my endless “to-do” list, and I want to hide under my covers for a while. However, my house is quiet right now, so it’s probably a great time to check off a few of those items. But first, let’s get to […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Chad Pettit
It’s our first Wisdom Wednesday of 2019! I’m excited to be back with you, and our guest authors. Today, we have fellow fantasy author, Chad Pettit with us. Thanks for joining us, Chad! Name: Chad Pettit Genre: Christian Fantasy and Biblical Fiction Current Release: Fate of the Watchman Writing Tip for Authors: Before you […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Linda Shenton Matchett
Do you write every day? Do you follow a writing schedule? Or do you write as the inspiration hits? This week, we have author Linda Shenton Matchett discussing what happens when you commit to writing every day. Thanks for joining us, Linda! Name: Linda Shenton Matchett Genre: Historical (mystery) Latest Novel: Murder of Convenience Writing Tip: […]