Can you believe that we are cruising through October already? It won’t be long and we will be getting ready for Christmas! I’m determined to start my shopping early this year. I tend to procrastinate and wait to the last minute. Today, I’m excited to have author Julie Arduini with us, sharing her favorite writing […]
Wisdom Wednesday: June Foster & Giveaway
As promised, we are back for the second round of Wisdom Wednesday this week! Today, I have author June Foster with us, and she has laid out a wonderful step by step writing tip guide. Plus, she is giving away an e-book copy of her newest release, so make sure you comment below! Name: June […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Sara L. Foust
I know a lot of you may be heading to the ACFW Conference, or you’re plugging away at those word counts, but not only is today Wisdom Wednesday, but tomorrow will be as well. Yep, that’s right, you will get two doses of writing wisdom this week! And believe me, I need that extra dose […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Michelle Griep
I’ve always heard that for every two or so fiction books you read, you should read a writing craft book. Writing is a craft, it’s not something that you can master and then never revisit again. You need to be continually writing, reading, and learning the craft of writing. That’s why I’m excited to be […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Gail Sattler
How’s your writing week going? Are you meeting those word count goals? I’m in my pj’s, hair in a messy bun, and I still have sleep in my eye. However, my house is quiet. Two of my kiddos are still asleep, so now’s the time to get some words on the screen. It doesn’t have […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Dyane Forde
Happy Wednesday, everyone! How’s your writing goals going this week? To help push you through the rest of your week, author Dyane Forde is here this week to talk the journey you take as you write and using emotion. Thanks for joining us today, Dyane! Name: Dyane Forde Genre: General adult fantasy, speculative fiction Latest Novel: Berserker, book […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Barbara M. Britton
If you know anything about the publishing industry, you will have heard about building your platform. It’s something that everyone needs to do if they want to become a published author, regardless if they traditionally publish or self-publish their novel. Today, my guest is Barbara M. Britton, author of Jerusalem Rising: Adah’s Journey. (What a beautiful […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Amy R. Anguish
I’ve watched my fair share of cartoons and then some. With three kiddos it goes without saying, that I stay saturated in animated TV shows and movies. Gabe, my youngest, goes through phases of favorites. He just got of an Angry Bird phase, and now is in a Pokémon phase. However, for some reason, as […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Kathy Cretsinger
I love world building. There’s not a more exciting thing to do than creating a new story idea, characters, and the world that they live in. Right now, I’m working on a story for a writing contest and I’m having a lot of fun talking with my husband and a couple friends about plot ideas […]