My poetry book, “A Poet’s Heart” is now listed on Amazon! I’m really excited! Take a few minutes and check it out. =D Hugs, Erin
1,2,3 Jump~ Psalm 40
A few weeks ago, I was swimming with my kids in our pool. My oldest, Daniel was jumping in to the pool without even a second thought. He was making huge splashes and trying to make them bigger and bigger each time. Bella was in her ring float and as soon as she saw her bubby jumping […]
Psalm 39~This Life
Hey everyone, I hope you all have had a great Holiday weekend! (And yes, I realize it is now Wednesday). I had a great time with my family. We had 3 days of swimming, food and of course fireworks. We also helped our church fill balloons and hand out candy in the parade. Way fun. Now before […]
I’m waiting….Psalm 38
My kids are great at petitioning. If there’s something they want or something they want to do, they will ask for it over and over and over until I’m about ready to pull my hair out. Even though I have already told them no, or maybe later. It doesn’t really matter my answer they just […]
Psalm 37
What do you take delight in? There are a number of things that I take delight in: My husband, my children, the things I enjoy to do, my family and friends, chocolate covered strawberries, mexican and italian food. Speaking of Italian food, my sister updated her status on Facebook saying that she was eating lunch […]
Psalm 36
What comes to your mind when you hear the word faithful? I’m sure lots of things may be popping into your mind. Maybe it’s someone that has been there for you without question, any time of the day or night or any circumstance. Webster defines faithful as this: full of faith steadfast in affection or allegiance : loyal firm in adherence to promises or in […]
A Poet’s Heart~ Psalm Chapter 35
Okay, I must admit that this chapter has me a little stumped. You read throughout this chapter about all the enemies that David has and how they are coming against him. Now I don’t know about you, but lately I haven’t had whole armies after me or enemies setting traps for me, I haven’t had […]
A Poet’s Heart ~ Psalm 34
In the last couple of posts, we have established that I can be: A little stubborn at times. (okay, okay, more than a little stubborn.) Sometimes God has to give me a swift kick in the behind. But today we are going to talk about attitude. Have you ever heard your parents say to you […]
A Poet’s Heart~Psalm 33
Because I said so. Ever hear those words before? If you are like me, I’m sure you have heard your parents say this. And as much as it annoyed me then and still does I have found myself uttering those same words to my children. Oh it makes Daniel so mad. He is only six […]
A Poet’s Heart~Psalm Chapter 32
If God would have told me 10 years ago every detail and circumstance I would go thorough I probably would have laughed and said, “Yeah right God. Do you have me confused with someone else?” If He would have told me, I would have had a to go through my husband’s deployment and have to […]