My kids are great at petitioning. If there’s something they want or something they want to do, they will ask for it over and over and over until I’m about ready to pull my hair out. Even though I have already told them no, or maybe later. It doesn’t really matter my answer they just want what they want and they want it now. It’s sometimes hard to reason with a 2-year-old. 😉
Have you ever felt like your prayer life was stuck in a place of petition? Earnestly asking God to move in a certain situation over and over? I know I have felt like that before. I wonder sometimes if God is listening, if He ever gets tired of hearing me pray for something over and over.
Chapter 38’s headline in my Bible is this: A Psalm of David. A petition. If you read this chapter then you will see that it is just that. A petition. He is crying out to God.
You know, sometimes we just have to wait on God. I know, I know, we hate waiting! Especially me. I can be so impatient sometimes. And sometimes it seems like God is not going to answer and it comes down to the wire, where it almost feels like God is too late. But it never ceases to amaze me that He is always on time! There’s been times when I’m begging Him, reminding Him that I need Him now, I need that answer now, that the clock is ticking. And I’m sure He is shaking His head at wondering if I’m ever going to learn to totally rely on Him and stop being impatient. He hasn’t forgotten me, He hasn’t ignored my pleas.
Verse 15 says, “I wait for you, O Lord; you will answer, O Lord my God.”
The hardest thing to learn for me is to wait. His timing is not my timing. It’s not that I don’t know he will answer, because He has over and over and over, He has never failed me. He always comes through. So I’m thankful for this reminder today. I hope that it encourages you as well. Don’t give up. Don’t stop praying, believing, and trusting in Him. He will answer!
What are you trusting Him with today? What have you been petitioning for? It’s time to trust….and wait…..
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