A few weeks ago, I was swimming with my kids in our pool. My oldest, Daniel was jumping in to the pool without even a second thought. He was making huge splashes and trying to make them bigger and bigger each time. Bella was in her ring float and as soon as she saw her bubby jumping off the ladder, she wanted to as well. So I took her over there, she climbed up, and before I could even say “1, 2, 3 go!”, she yelled, “3, go!” and jumped into my arms before I was ready! Of course I caught her and she laughed and splashed and wanted to go again and again.
Our verse today is Psalm 40:4 “Blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust, and does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.”
Bella jumped without thinking about it first, she also trusted that I would catch her and that her float would hold her up in the water. I could have dropped her, I could have missed, lots of things could have happened. But in her mind all she knew was that I was her mommy and that I loved her, I wouldn’t drop her. She trusted me.
Last blog post I talked about stepping out in faith and going out of our comfort zone. Trust goes right along with that. Is trusting an easy thing to do? For some people it’s not, and for some maybe it comes easily. Maybe you trusted someone in the past and they hurt you, so now it’s hard to trust others. But whatever the case may be, trusting in God is something we shouldn’t have to think about first. We should just jump and know that He is there to catch us.
God will never leave us. He always wants the best for us, He loves us and has great plans for us. The verse says, blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust. So do you trust Him? Does it comes easily for you? If not, ask God to give you strength to be able to let go and to trust Him. And who knows, when you jump, you may just get a huge splash of blessings. 😉
Thanks Erin for sharing!! Love you