Okay, I must admit that this chapter has me a little stumped. You read throughout this chapter about all the enemies that David has and how they are coming against him. Now I don’t know about you, but lately I haven’t had whole armies after me or enemies setting traps for me, I haven’t had to flee my home because I was being sought after to be killed. But even through all this David still praises God. It amazes me. It makes me think about my own life and all the so-called “problems” that I have. And I have to ask myself, do I praise God like I should through my problems?
Now, I know that my problems and trials, even though they seem huge to me at the time, when I compare them to the things that David talks about they really are trivial. And how do I handle them? Do I praise God and keep going? Probably not at first. I may get eventually get there, but in the meantime I whine, I complain, I tell God it’s not fair. And in all honesty it may not be, but my first response should be praise God through them.
Ugh. Why is that so hard? Why is it so easy to play the woe is me card and wallow in self pity? Verse 28 says “And my tongue shall declare Your righteousness And Your praise all day long.”
All day long. In every moment. It’s so easy to do that in the good things. When things go great it’s so easy to say, “Thanks God!” But why is it so hard to say. “I know things are not going good, but you have something wonderful in store for me and I’m going to praise you anyway.” Why is it easier to gripe, complain and get depressed?
As you go throughout your day, find places to praise God. Praise Him through the good, and the not so good. You will feel so much better that you did, your day will be better, and maybe just maybe, you will bless someone else as well.
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