Because I said so. Ever hear those words before? If you are like me, I’m sure you have heard your parents say this. And as much as it annoyed me then and still does I have found myself uttering those same words to my children. Oh it makes Daniel so mad. He is only six but already wants a reason for everything. He analyzes absolutely everything. He wants to know why, and how it works, why are things the way they are, what causes them to be that way, ect. If I tell him, “Because I said so.” He will respond with, “Because I said so is not a reason mom. As much as that response will irk me and I have the whole mentality of “I’m mommy, what I say goes, you should accept it without question“, he is right. And don’t we get annoyed with our 6 year olds are right?
Have you ever felt that way with God? We want to analyze everything that God does, and why He does it. Especially if directly effects us. Now, I’m not saying asking questions is wrong. It is good to ask questions so you can know 100% what you believe so when someone asks you what you believe and why you can have an honest answer. But what is it about us as humans that just can’t surrender our control? It is with us since the very beginning. I can see it come across Daniel’s face sometimes. He wants a reason why he should listen, other then just because I’m mommy.
Today’s chapter talks all about the awesome power of God. How we should praise Him with new songs, to rejoice in His faithfulness. Verse 9 says, “For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” And verse 11 says, “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart from generation to generation.”
I love verse 9. It reminds me again of His power and encourages me that what God has said, what He did, it will never change. The way He loves us, His character, will never change. He will always do what He says and promises in His word. His character is perfect. His power is amazing.
We can make promises or say that we are going to do a certain thing, but how many times have we fallen short of that? We let people down, we let ourselves down. But God promises that what He spoke will be done and that it was stand fast. It will not fail. It can not fail.
So if we know that what God has for us is better then anything that we can do, and that He loves us, that He has so many promises for us, why do we struggle with completely surrendering and letting Him have control in our lives? What holds us back? If you are like me, (remember I said I could be stubborn in yesterday‘s post) then this is something I have to work on a regular basis and I have to be reminded that my plans and God’s plans don’t always line up the same. BUT His ways are always better.
I hope that this encourages you today. God’s Word can not lie. He will do what He says and his ways will not change. His power is amazing, and I am constantly in awe of what He does in my life. All because he loves me. Will you trust Him in every part of your life?
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