I love it when we have brand new releases on Wisdom Wednesday. I had the privilege to be a part of Joanna White’s launch team and Facebook party yesterday with over twenty fantasy authors! Welcome to Wisdom Wednesday, Joanna and congratulations on your new release! Name: Joanna White Genre: Fantasy/Christian Fantasy Latest Novel: Shifter Writing Tip: […]
Wisdom Wednesday: M. L. Little
Do you find it difficult to draw from your emotions and experiences in your writing? Author M. L. Little is with us on #WisdomWednesday.
Fantasy Reads: Meg Boepple
The question of why do you write has come up several times recently in my group of writing friends, and most recently, on one of my #BeStill blog posts. Everyone has a reason that they started writing. I love to hear these stories because sometimes it reflects my own journey in some way. And sometimes […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Dakota Caldwell
It’s time for you to write. You sit down at the computer and what happens next? Does your desk have to be spotless or is messy okay? Does the house have to be quiet or maybe you have to have a constant stream of noise? Today, we have author Dakota Caldwell sharing his writing tip. […]
Fantasy Reads: The Fay’s Apprentice
I’m excited to share with you a new release for my new blog segment, Fantasy Reads. Author Amy C. Blake is here to talk about her brand new release, Fay’s Apprentice. Welcome, Amy! Levi Prince and The Fay’s Apprentice Today I’m celebrating my newest release, The Fay’s Apprentice, the third novel in my four-book Levi […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Kandi J. Wyatt
Sometimes, we need a reminder of why we started writing in the first place and that writing is a journey. One that takes time and requires discipline. Author, Kandi J. Wyatt is with us today for Wisdom Wednesday. Welcome, Kandi! Name: Kandi J. Wyatt Genre: Fantasy Latest Release: An Unexpected Escapade Writing Tip: Keep writing. No seriously, […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Mary Schlegel
Do we have any procrastinators here? I can raise my hand on this one, and I know I’m not the only one. I can list a hundred different things that I need to accomplish today, (okay, maybe not that many) and it’s easy to make excuses for pushing writing further down the list. Today, we […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Candace West
How many books do you have on your bookshelves? Are they filled with only your favorite authors? Today, author Candace West shares her favorite writing tip on #WisdomWednesday.
One of those days
We had a break in our Wisdom Wednesday guest authors today, so I wanted to share with you a new blog series that is starting this week and will take place on Tuesdays. Monday was our son’s 100th week in our third phase of cancer treatment. In case you are unfamiliar with our story and […]
Blog Stop 13, 14, & 15
Have you ever had a week when you have to play catch up? I’m going through that this week. I haven’t been feeling well, so I went to the doctor and had some bloodwork done. I just got the results back and found out that my hemoglobin was super low. I have to take iron […]