Hello my dears! It’s the LAST day to take advantage of the Christmas in July sale and snag your copies of The Kalila Chronicles for .99 cents each! $3 for THREE Kindle books. 🙂 This morning The Seer made #19 in my category! So, a HUGE thank you to everyone who has purchased their copy […]
Christmas in July
It’s Christmas in July! The Kalila Chronicles are .99 cents each on Kindle.
One of those days
We had a break in our Wisdom Wednesday guest authors today, so I wanted to share with you a new blog series that is starting this week and will take place on Tuesdays. Monday was our son’s 100th week in our third phase of cancer treatment. In case you are unfamiliar with our story and […]
Blog Stop 13, 14, & 15
Have you ever had a week when you have to play catch up? I’m going through that this week. I haven’t been feeling well, so I went to the doctor and had some bloodwork done. I just got the results back and found out that my hemoglobin was super low. I have to take iron […]
Release Day!
It’s finally here! “A red blinking light from the safe room door caught her attention as she placed her toothbrush in the holder and left the bathroom. Purple, silk pajamas slipped through her fingers and landed at her feet. The smooth fabric tickled her toes as she tried to get her legs to cooperate and […]
Cover Reveal of The Soul Searcher
It’s time! The cover of The Soul Searcher is here, and it’s so beautiful! I’m excited to share it with you, and I can’t wait for you to read what happens next in The Kalila Chronicles with Elnora. Book 2 picks up where The Seer left off! Are you ready? Here it is . . […]
Behind the Story: Gift & News
I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season! We spent two whole weeks at home instead of having to go to Memphis for my son’s treatments. It was nice to be at home, but it was strange not to travel to St. Jude.. Especially when we’ve gone every week for the past ninety weeks! […]
Behind the Story: The Seer Locations #2
I am home from the Inspire Conference, hosted by my writing group, Ken Ten Writers. This year the retreat was held at Montgomery Bell State Park. I came back armed with information from lots of great workshops and connected with some amazing writers. Two months before Gabe was diagnosed with cancer, we went to LBL […]