In case you didn’t see my TikTok video yesterday, (click here) I have exciting book news. The Kalila Chronicles will all be released in hardback! And the pages are absolutely gorgeous. These pictures will be before each chapter and on each chapter page. The best part, The Seer is already available on Amazon! Book two […]
Christmas in July
It’s Christmas in July! The Kalila Chronicles are .99 cents each on Kindle.
Download The Seer Free!
Hello, my dears! I hope you are doing well through this trying time. If you’re like me, you are probably schooling your kiddos and trying to keep them from going stir crazy! We are now on Spring Break, so we are enjoying the break from schoolwork. We’ve had lots of sunshine, so the kids are […]
A Merry Christmas Surprise
Hello, my dears! Christmas festivities are in full force around my house, but I wanted to stop by and let you know of a special Christmas sale. I’m really excited because my publisher put The Seer and The Soul Searcher on sale from now until December 26th! You can get both paperback books for $12.99 […]
Fantasy Reads: Laurie Lucking
We’ve made it to Friday! Amid ballet classes and doctor appointments, I’m going to sit down and get started on this book. I’ve had my eye on it for a while, and it’s been on my TBR pile. I’m thrilled to have author Laurie Lucking on Fantasy Reads giving us a Behind the Scenes look […]
Blog Stop 13, 14, & 15
Have you ever had a week when you have to play catch up? I’m going through that this week. I haven’t been feeling well, so I went to the doctor and had some bloodwork done. I just got the results back and found out that my hemoglobin was super low. I have to take iron […]
Release Day!
It’s finally here! “A red blinking light from the safe room door caught her attention as she placed her toothbrush in the holder and left the bathroom. Purple, silk pajamas slipped through her fingers and landed at her feet. The smooth fabric tickled her toes as she tried to get her legs to cooperate and […]
Cover Reveal of The Soul Searcher
It’s time! The cover of The Soul Searcher is here, and it’s so beautiful! I’m excited to share it with you, and I can’t wait for you to read what happens next in The Kalila Chronicles with Elnora. Book 2 picks up where The Seer left off! Are you ready? Here it is . . […]
Cover Reveal
I’m so excited to share with you all the cover reveal of my debut novel, The Seer. Diane, the cover designer for Mantle Rock Publishing, has done a wonderful job capturing the essence of my story. I can’t wait for you all to read it! The Seer, Book One of the Kalila Chronicles, is a supernatural/fantasy […]
The Seer, Book One of The Kalila Chronicles
On a blog post a few years ago, I posted about how I wasn’t a fan of change. Now a few years later, that’s still true to an extent. Positive change and growth should always be something that we strive to do. If we’re not changing and growing then we are stagnate, perhaps even […]