Hello, my dears! I’ve been working on a surprise for all of you. As you know, my dystopian novel, Beyond the Gates released in May, and I have a portal novella about a magical kingdom coming out in December. But, so many of you have asked when another short story was on the way, and […]
Last Call for the .99 Cent Sale!
Hello my dears! It’s the LAST day to take advantage of the Christmas in July sale and snag your copies of The Kalila Chronicles for .99 cents each! $3 for THREE Kindle books. 🙂 This morning The Seer made #19 in my category! So, a HUGE thank you to everyone who has purchased their copy […]
Release Day!
It’s finally here! “A red blinking light from the safe room door caught her attention as she placed her toothbrush in the holder and left the bathroom. Purple, silk pajamas slipped through her fingers and landed at her feet. The smooth fabric tickled her toes as she tried to get her legs to cooperate and […]
Blog Tour: Stop #4
Today was another stop on the Blog Tour for The Soul Searcher! I had a lot of fun being a guest on Erica Hogan’s blog and answering her interview questions. If you missed it, you can check out the blog here: Other Worlds Fantasy Writers. Leave me a comment and join in the discussion. See […]
Behind the Story: The Seer Locations #2
I am home from the Inspire Conference, hosted by my writing group, Ken Ten Writers. This year the retreat was held at Montgomery Bell State Park. I came back armed with information from lots of great workshops and connected with some amazing writers. Two months before Gabe was diagnosed with cancer, we went to LBL […]
BOOKS AND THINGS — Mantle Rock Publishing
Check out at what my publisher had to say about my debut novel, The Seer! Mantle Rock Publishing LLC has released an ebook for pre-order. This is quite a milestone for us because it is our first Fantasy/Speculative. This has been a gigantic move for us. Something I never thought I’d publish, but we […]
Cover Reveal
I’m so excited to share with you all the cover reveal of my debut novel, The Seer. Diane, the cover designer for Mantle Rock Publishing, has done a wonderful job capturing the essence of my story. I can’t wait for you all to read it! The Seer, Book One of the Kalila Chronicles, is a supernatural/fantasy […]