I have a big announcement! I just signed a contract for my next series, Beyond the Gates with Scrivenings Press. (insert happy dance here!) I’m so excited about this new series. It’s dystopian, which is one of my favorite genres to read, and I can’t wait for you guys to meet Renna, Miles, and Gabbi. As of […]
New Year and News
I know I’ve been a little quiet on the blog, but I promise it’s for a good reason. Book three is almost ready for publication! YAY! We’ve already gone through the phases of edits and cover design, so now I just have to do the final read-through out loud. Then the countdown begins until February […]
Characters of Bethesda
When I’m starting a new story, I have a general idea of what I envision for the character; but my favorite part is character sketching. This is where the author starts answering questions about the character- hair color, eye color, personality, their dislikes and likes. Then it evolves into deeper questions about their weaknesses, fears, […]