I’m very excited to have my good friend, Amy R. Anguish, with us today for Wisdom Wednesday. Amy is a fellow Scrivenings Press author and one of the co-founders of Once Upon a Page. Welcome, Amy! Name: Amy R. Anguish Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance Publisher: Scrivenings Press Latest Novel: No Place Like Home Writing Tip: […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Amy R. Anguish
Do you enjoy writing dialogue? Author Amy R. Anguish is on #WisdomWednesday
Blog Tour: Stop #6 & #7
You know that scene in the movie, Hitch where Will Smith has an allergic reaction and downs liquid Benedryl? Well, that was me in the middle of the night, except we don’t know what caused it. I woke up with itchy hands and quickly realized I was covered in a rash. My tongue swelled, and […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Amy R. Anguish
I’ve watched my fair share of cartoons and then some. With three kiddos it goes without saying, that I stay saturated in animated TV shows and movies. Gabe, my youngest, goes through phases of favorites. He just got of an Angry Bird phase, and now is in a Pokémon phase. However, for some reason, as […]