I’ve never been one of those people who has to have my house perfect all the time. I hate to clean, I really do. Washing dishes is worse. (Oh please Lord, let me have a dishwasher in the new house!) I know people who freak out if the house is out-of-order even for a minute, […]
From a Poets Heart~ Psalm Chapter 14
Have you ever done something foolish? You mess up so badly, and then can’t believe that you done it. You kick yourself and feel horrible about it? I’m sure your nodding your head yes, and I’m holding up both hands on this one. We’ve all done something we are ashamed of. And if your like […]
From a Poets Heart~ Psalm Chapter 13
Do you know what I love about the book of Psalms? David had his highs and lows just like we do. It’s not just chapter after chapter of mountain top experiences. He writes about his valleys also. The Christian life is not perfect, we struggle with things just like anyone else. We have problems and […]
From a Poets Heart~ Psalm Chapter 12
Last night in youth, we talked about how there is nothing that can separate you from God’s love. The scripture is in Romans, and it lists several things that cannot separate you from God’s love. One of those were persecution. We asked them a question. If nothing can stop God’s love for you, then why […]
From a Poets Heart~ Psalm Chapter 11
Have you ever wished you could just pause your life? Hit the pause button and get everything that you need to accomplish done? Every to do list, every household project done, everything that make your life busy, and after you have got yourself caught up, hit play and actually enjoy your life? We are always […]
From a Poets Heart~ Psalm Chapter 10
Have you ever just wanted to pack up and runaway? The stress of life, kids, family, jobs, anything and everything pressing in on you demanding your time and attention all at once. Problems start happening, people start trying to discourage you, enemies come at you that you didn’t even know you had. The only thing […]
From a Poets Heart~ Psalm Chapter 9
Praise music changes everything. It changes your mood, it changes the atmosphere of your house, your car, anywhere that you are it changes. If your upset and angry, put on your favorite worship CD, and before long you are not angry anymore. You can not stay mad listening to worship music. Don’t believe me? Try […]
From a Poets Heart~ Psalm Chapter 8
Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack in posts lately, I’ve been sick this week with a cold. Feeling better today, so hopefully I will be back. Have you ever compared yourself to someone or something and found yourself lacking? At least in your own eyes you seem lacking. That person is skinner than me or […]
From a Poets Heart~ Psalm Chapter 7
Jacob and I coming into the wonderful part of raising a child…discipline. We both do not agree with each other’s methods 100% of the time, but we do agree on one in particular. Our son gets several warnings first, usually 3. Then if he is still getting into trouble we take away his most beloved […]
From A Poets Heart~ Psalm Chapter 6
We all struggle with something, we all have trials and tribulations. I would be a fool to say that we never go through anything, that we never have problems. This world that we live in is chaotic, we have busy lives. That alone is enough to be stressful. Have you ever been so upset about […]