Have you ever wished you could just pause your life? Hit the pause button and get everything that you need to accomplish done? Every to do list, every household project done, everything that make your life busy, and after you have got yourself caught up, hit play and actually enjoy your life?
We are always busy. Always on the run, always doing something. Between children, the ministry, and remodeling a house, we are always doing something. We have to schedule times for Jacob and I to spend together. We schedule a family night so will never get to busy to spend time together as a family. We have to schedule in advance, time to spend with our family and friends. Once we get our house finished and we move, I tell myself that things will slow down, that we will be back to “normal”. Is that very realistic of me? Probably not.
Today, I thinking about what would happen if we did slow down. If we took that to do list and just maybe do the most important thing on there. What if we slow down and allow ourselves to be calm. What would be able to accomplish? Maybe we could have more time for devotionals and prayer. Maybe we could have more time playing with our kids. Maybe we would be able to make a phone call and encourage someone. Maybe we would be still enough to hear God’s voice. To hear Him talk to us.
Psalm 11:4 says: “The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them.”
No matter how crazy and busy your life is, God is still God. He still is on the throne. He wants to have a relationship with us. But if we are so busy with what’s going on in our life and this world, will we be able to hear Him? So take a moment and be still. Tell God that you are listening, and ask Him what the most important thing on your to do list is. You might be surprised. =)
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