We all struggle with something, we all have trials and tribulations. I would be a fool to say that we never go through anything, that we never have problems. This world that we live in is chaotic, we have busy lives. That alone is enough to be stressful. Have you ever been so upset about something that you have cried all night long to God? Have you ever felt like the whole world has been against you? That your physically exhausted from your trial and crying?
That’s how David felt in Psalm Chapter 6. Verse 6 says: “I am worn out from sobbing. Every night tears drench my bed; my pillow is wet from weeping. My vision is blurred by grief; my eyes are worn out because of all my enemies. Go away, all you who do evil, for the LORD has heard my crying. The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD will answer my prayer.”
If you have ever been like me, then you may have been praying for something for a long time. You know what the Word says about it, you know what God has told you, you feel peace about it, but it just hasn’t come to pass yet. So you keep praying and waiting, praying and waiting. Then what happens? People start coming against you. You start to get tired, you are strained from waiting. You start having enemies that maybe you never had before. You start having negative thoughts, you get depressed. You don’t feel like God is answering. What is taking Him so long?! Have you ever been there? I know I have, I am going through that right now.
What do you think David did here? Did he just give up? Did he roll over and let his enemies take him? Did he give in to his heart ache? No! He told his enemies to go away! Verse 6 says that he was worn out from weeping. His eyes were weak with sorrow. He told his enemies to go away for God has heard his weeping. How did he go from weeping to peace? How did he change his out look so fast? He simply made a decision. He knew God heard him, and that God was going to answer him. He decided to stand on that truth. All he needed to know was that God heard him and was going to answer. Verse 9 says: “The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD will answer my prayer.”
So if you are going through something right now, remember that God hears you, he will answer you! Keep pressing through. Don’t give up. Don’t let opposition try to stop you. Keep praying, keep your eyes and your trust on God and He will get you through!
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