Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack in posts lately, I’ve been sick this week with a cold. Feeling better today, so hopefully I will be back.
Have you ever compared yourself to someone or something and found yourself lacking? At least in your own eyes you seem lacking. That person is skinner than me or has great hair, or has a brand new car. Blah blah blah. We do it. Go ahead and admit it to yourself. You do compare. It seems like that comes natural to women, to compare themselves. Why do we do that? Why can’t we stand in front of a mirror and truly look at ourselves and say: “I love myself, just as I am.”
And why is that we compare our talents with others? I know that I’ve been bad about this before. I can’t draw. I can’t, it’s horrible. I can’t even make a stick man look good. But oh I wish that I could paint, I wish that I could draw. I would be one of those people who would take a canvas and go out on a mountain and just paint my surroundings. I can sing, I can write, and I have some musical ability. But I can’t draw. I almost get envious when I find someone who can draw. Why is that? Why must we always want something we don’t have? Why can’t we be happy and blessed in the talents that God has given us?
In Psalms 8:3 is says: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?”
Take just a moment and think about this. The Almighty God who created the heavens, who put the moon and the stars into place, the same God that created the world and everything in it, He is mindful for us. Just really think about this. God, the only true God spoke creation into existence. In Gen is says that God said “let there by light and there was light”. I’m not sure about you, but I’m awed by the power of God. He created everything by just a word.
Now that we have grasped the power of God, lets just go a little further. Who am I, that God would be mindful of me, that the cares for me? Who am I that God would create me, send His Son to die for me, send His Spirit to lead and guide me, and is one day coming back for me? Oh and I did I mention that throughout this whole time, he loves me and cares for me and protects and provides for me? If we could just grasp this, then we would never let go! We would never walk away and try to lead our own life.
As I close, I want to leave you with another thought. Speak His Word into your life. The Bible is alive, it’s relevant for what you’re going through today. God spoke creation into existence. Let Him speak something in your life. If you want to see something change in your life, speak the Word. When Jesus was being tempted in the wilderness, what did He tell the devil? He spoke the Word. The Bible says that God’s Word never returns void. It’s always produces something. Let God speak to your life. Let Him breathe something into you. Whatever need you may have, open the Word and speak it, believe it, then receive it!
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