Hello everyone!
Today we have author, Delores Topliff, author of Books Afloat here to talk about her writing tips for author and new writers, and to share with us her upcoming new release, Christmas Tree Wars.
Welcome Delores!
Name: Delores Topliff
Genre: Historical but some Contemporaries are also in the works.
Publisher: Scrivenings Press
Latest Novel: Christmas Tree Wars
Writing Tip:
If you have to step away from a writing project for a while OR encounter writer’s block, this usually jolts me out of it.
It’s like driving up a steep hill when you don’t have enough momentum to make it up the hill the first time. Then, I back down, reread what I’ve written before, remind myself of my final writing goals, and then press the gas pedal to the metal and start writing. Have fun on the journey. The view is great from the other side coasting down.
Writing Tip for New Writers:
Jump in the water and swim. If it’s winter and conditions are not ideal, break the ice and jump in and swim anyway (even for a brief amount of time). Nothing can be critiqued or revised until it’s on the page. Once you start, you will see ways to improve your project and new exciting ways to bring your story to more engaging three-dimensional life.
Kris Lundquist, a young New York City financial planner, returns home to Wisconsin for two weeks to help his Swedish-American Christmas tree grower dad survive financial crisis. There, he gets re-acquainted with Marcie Halvorsen, their cranky Norwegian-American neighbor’s niece who is home helping her uncle do the same. Kris and Marcie compete in contests to provide national Christmas tree to build businesses, but only one can win. Despite their relationship being as star-crossed as Romeo and Juliet’s, their romance helps their families and town rediscover the reason for the season and even inspires an annual Christmas-in-July festival.
Delores Topliff did years of college teaching, traveling, living, and writing before focusing on writing Christian novels. She continues teaching university online dividing her year being a snow-bird between living on a farm in central Minnesota and warmer winter temperatures in Northeastern Mississippi where she loves the people and accents. She brags about her two fine doctor sons and five delightful grandchildren.
Social Media Links:
Website: www.delorestopliff.com
Email delores@delorestopliff.com
Facebook: Delores Topliff Books
Twitter: @delorestopliff
Instagram: delorese.topliff
Thank you so much for joining us today! Please take a moment to check out Delores’s upcoming release, Christmas Tree Wars and connect with her on social media.
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