I am home from the Inspire Conference, hosted by my writing group, Ken Ten Writers. This year the retreat was held at Montgomery Bell State Park. I came back armed with information from lots of great workshops and connected with some amazing writers.
Two months before Gabe was diagnosed with cancer, we went to LBL (Land Between the Lakes) to have our fall family pictures taken. Once we were finished taking pictures, Jacob took me to a graveyard tucked behind a camping area. We took a short walk back behind the campground, and I instantly knew that I had to use this location in my story. I took some liberties with the layout of the area because I wanted Thea to be close enough to the water to hear it hit the shore.
I also wanted the setting of the book to be in the fall because it’s my absolute favorite season. The crisp cold air, colorful leaves, hoodies, bonfires, and s’mores are all things that I love about the season.
Instead of showing another picture this week, I want to hear from you and give away a Kindle copy of my novel, The Seer.
Have you been to any locations from the books that you’ve read? If so, I would love to hear about them. Please take a moment and add your picture in the comment section and tell us where the location is and what book it is from. You have until next Wednesday to enter, and I will announce the winner next Thursday.
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