My last devotional post was entitled Still Believe and if you remember I wrote about how even though you go through things in your life that you can’t understand, God still has a plan. When I wrote that blog, I was coming from a rough place. We were told that we had six months to find a new house, (ours was sold). That was okay, we were not happy but it was a doable time frame. Then the one that bought our property said that instead of the six months we had sixty days! Needless to say, we were devastated and more than a little annoyed. We were hurt and not to mention stressed. And that wasn’t the only thing that was going on. We had car troubles with both of our vehicles, and found ourselves with both of them broken down. Friends and family were going through issues of their own and everywhere I turned I wondered what was going on. Where was God?
I’m sure that you have been in your own situations where you wondered where God was. I know I’m not the only one. I know that I’m not the only one that has tossed and turned at night, cried and stressed over situations that seemed out of my control and hands.
I usually use The New Living Translation when I post verses, but I was using my Bible App on my phone and read this chapter in The Message. I read this and immediately turned to my husband and said, “This is me. This describes everything that I feel right now!” I absolutely love how God can reveal a Scripture that totally and completely speaks to my situation. I love that His word is living and relevant to me everyday!
Psalm 56:8 says, “You’ve kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, each tear entered in your ledger, each ache written in your book.”
I love this. Regardless of how I feel at the time, how alone I may feel, how stressed, how tired, how empty, or how helpless, God hears me. He knows what I’m going through and He has an answer.
When I wrote Still Believe, I was holding on to His promise that He had a plan. A plan that was better than what we had. Better than what we could ever do for ourselves. And I was right. God did have a plan, a good one, a better one. Just when you think you are running out of time, God moves in such a way that you wondered at all why you stressed in the first place. God placed the right person in our lives at the right time with the right results. It was HIS timing, and His timing is perfect. Not only did God find us a house with enough time before our deadline was up, but it was better than any other houses were looking at, fit under our budget and I got to keep Daniel in his school. God is good!
Verse 12 says this, “God you did everything that you promised, and I’m thanking you with all of my heart.”
I mentioned in Still Believe that if you don’t learn from your situations, grow from them, and allow God to use them, good or bad than it’s for nothing. You went through them for nothing. Don’t let your situations be for nothing. Trust God. Grow. Praise Him. Let Him use it for good.
What are you going through right now? What can you find to learn from it? Give you situation to God, trust Him and let Him use it.
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