Mommy, mommy, mommy! Mommy is hands down one of the most frequent words that come out of my children’s mouths. I hear it all day long from my three year old and then as soon as my son gets in the car he starts. They want my attention for everything, every story they have to tell, everything they see that they are curious about, or even when they have a question for me. It’s all day long, morning to night.
If I don’t answer my son immediately, he will say it again, and again and again. He doesn’t really give me a chance to answer him the first time. It’s just, mom, mom, mom, mom! His tone gets more persistent and loud at each mom. It drives me crazy!
So as much as I know how frustrating it is to be on that receiving end, I also understand how irritating it can be when someone is not paying attention to you, how frustrating it can be. There have been many times in my life that I have wanted to grab someone by their shoulders and yell, “Please pay attention to me!”
Daniel is really bad about not “listening” when I give him instructions. He will come back a few minutes later and say, “What did you want me to do again?” Or, “I forgot what you wanted me to look for.” It drives me crazy!
In Psalm 54, David starts out this chapter that his enemies know where he is hiding. Then in verse 2 he says, “Listen to my prayer, O God. Pay attention to my plea.”
Have you ever been so frustrated with a problem, that you just want to be heard? You just want someone to give you their undivided attention. Have you ever told God, “Please listen to me!” There have been times in my life when I have done that, I have poured out my heart to Him because I couldn’t really talk to anyone else about it. And the truth is he is the best one to go to.
So next time you have one of those melt down moments, (go ahead and admit it, I know you do just like me) Go ahead and tell God about your meltdown. He hears our prayers and always has a better answer or solution for our problem than anyone or even we can come up with.
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