Bella has not let up on her quest of getting Santa to bring her a puppy for Christmas. It all started when I asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she told me her usual toys that she likes: baby dolls, dress up, doll house, and a car like bubby. (He had one of those battery powered cars). Okay no big deal, we can do that and I even found a Barbie jeep that a family member was selling. But then she threw a big one on me: a puppy. Great. How do you tell a three year old that’s not really going to happen? W e already have two dogs, we do not need another one.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse, she has now thrown another bomb shell, she wants a puppy and a kitty!
As much as I love Christmas time, I don’t like the attitude that I see in so many kids, so many adults, and I have to say in myself at times. This attitude of I want, I want, I want. So many people get caught up in the gifts. They worry if they have enough money, then they search out the perfect gift for each person on their list. They worry about if they are not spending enough, or too much? And heaven forbid if the person that you are giving that gift to spends more than you did.
We were decorating our Christmas tree (I was a little late this year, it was a couple days after Thanksgiving instead of the day after) and even though my husband really doesn’t like putting it up this early, he was a good sport. As Daniel and Bella were hanging up ornaments, Daniel mentioned that this was one of his favorite things about Christmas. Seeing a teachable moment, I asked him what his favorite part was, and to be honest, I was thinking he was going to say the Birth of Jesus. I know, most kids wouldn’t, but the fact is Daniel is actually really quick to point out stuff about the Bible and he really thinks deeply about things, he asked me questions before and inside was thinking, “How old are you again?” But I was wrong, and momentarily shocked. He said, “The presents!” Jacob stepped in and navigated the rest of the conversation because I all I was able to get out was that’s not the real reason we celebrate Christmas….
Jacob then talked to him about the real reason and Daniel’s attitude was, oh yeah, well I thought was a given. But then Jacob asked him another question. Do you think it is better to receive a present or give one? Daniel answered that it was better to give one. And I don’t remember much of their conversation after that because partly I was busy thinking about 1)how wise my son is for a seven year old, and 2)what do I like to do better? Give or receive?
I love to give gifts to people; I like to buy Jacob random greeting cards, or small gifts. I love to buy things for my kids. And as much I like giving gifts to people, I like receiving them, I mean who doesn’t? But why is at Christmas time my first reaction is receiving? What makes us want, want, want at Christmas? And then stress out when we need to buy someone else a gift? Are we so worried what they will think of us, of our gift that we will stress over it for weeks?
It just seems silly really, but it’s true. People stress at Christmas. I’ve have done it, and will say that I have already stressed to some extent this year. But I’m determined to look at it different this year. Decorating the tree, baking cookies with my children, visiting family, eating together, laughing, Christmas Eve traditions, reading the Scriptures to our children about the true Christmas story, taking communion. These are the things that matter to me, more than any gift, or how much money I spent or didn’t spend.
Our chapter today talks about how the foolish say there is no God, and it goes on about the actions of someone who doesn’t believe in God. Verse two catches my eye though, and it’s says: “God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God.”
When God looks down on me, I want to be the one that is seeking Him. No matter what else I may or may not achieve in my life, I want to be known for seeking Him in everything, to teach my children to do the same. I want to be wise, truly wise, and maybe just maybe be as smart as my seven year old son. 😉
So what about you? What do you love most about Christmas?
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