This morning as I read our chapter today, I’m reminded of a song. That can happen all through the book of Psalms. We sing many of those worship songs in Church. But this morning the song that I’m talking about goes absolutely perfect with this chapter. It’s about the cross.
In our chapter today, David was writing about his own distress and God’s deliverance for him, but something awesome is also going on; it prophetically describes in detail Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. The only way that David would have been able to describe Jesus’ crucifixion is by The Holy Spirit. God used David’s circumstances and spoke through them, He spoke the Word. That’s what can happen in our lives if we let it. We all go through circumstances, and yes they can be hard, and unfair. But instead of letting the circumstances get us down, use them. Use them for God’s Glory. You never know when someone else may be going through the same thing and needs encouragement. Praise God through your trials. That alone is powerful. If someone sees you (and yes, if you’re a Christian, people watch you) going through something, and they see you praising God and having joy, and peace; it will make them think. They will think that if you are going through that and still praising God, then maybe they can make it through also.
Don’t let your circumstances speak to you. Speak the Word to your circumstances. Did you catch that? Did you? You do not have to let your circumstances make your decisions on how you deal with them. If you let gloom and negativity take over your focus, then what’s going to happen to your circumstance? It’s going to get bigger and bigger until you’ve made it bigger than God. Speak the Word to your circumstances. Say That no weapon formed against you shall prosper. That God will never leave you nor forsake you. That you can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you. That is not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. So what happens when you set your focus on God and not your circumstances? Your circumstances get smaller and all you see is God working through your circumstances.
How do we know that we have victory over our circumstances? The cross. It all comes down to the cross. When Jesus went to the cross he took all our sins, pain, sickness, everything poured in on Him. And three days later, He conquered sin and death when He rose again. Jesus paid the price for our sins and had victory over them. If we are born again, and we are in Christ Jesus then we have the same victory! Gal 2:20 says: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” This should have you excited this morning! You have victory! Stop living your life in defeat. Stop letting your circumstances dictate how you live your life. Let the Holy Spirit direct you, and speak to you. Speak the Word over your life and your circumstances!
I want to leave you with the lyrics to the song I was talking about earlier. Think about the words. They are beautiful. If you haven’t made the decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ, to be born again, it’s not to late! He is beckoning you to the Cross. All you have to do is ask Him to be the Lord of your life, to forgive you of your sins. And if you are a Christian, but maybe not living the way that you should, all you have to do is find your way back to the cross. Repent, and ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life.
Sweetly Broken ~ By Jeremy Riddle
To the cross I look, to the cross I cling
Of its suffering I do drink
Of its work I do sing
For on it my Savior both bruised and crushed
Showed that God is love
And God is just
At the cross You beckon me
You draw me gently to my knees, and I am
Lost for words, so lost in love,
I’m sweetly broken, wholly surrendered
What a priceless gift, undeserved life
Have I been given
Through Christ crucified
You’ve called me out of death
You’ve called me into life
And I was under Your wrath
Now through the cross I’m reconciled
In awe of the cross I must confess
How wondrous Your redeeming love and
How great is Your faithfulness
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