Hello everyone! Today we have author Michelle De Bruin with us to share her favorite writing tips and about her new release. Welcome, Michelle! Name: Michelle De Bruin Genre: Historical Romance Publisher: Scrivenings Press Latest Novel: Coming Home to Mercy Writing Tip: Stay organized. I’m a writer who likes to have the story mapped out […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Michelle De Bruin
I’m sorry for the delay in my Wisdom Wednesday post! Sometimes, life does not always go as planned, especially when your daughter inherited your balance skills, or rather, the lack thereof. I spent the majority of the day at the doctor for her sprained ankle. They do not think it’s broken, but we have to […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Laurean Brooks
One of my favorite things to do is curl up under my comforter, open a window, and listen to the rain. There’s just something so soothing and peaceful about hearing the rain softly hitting the earth, especially if there are still leaves on the ground. The gentle swooshing of it cascading down the window, as […]
Wisdom Wednesday: Bethany Baker
I’m really enjoying Wisdom Wednesday! Everyone needs encouragement, and if you’re an author or a writer, you need it too. Writing can be different things to different people. For me, I’ve always dreamed of having my name on a print book, and to hold that book in my hands. When my books arrive in the […]