I must be completely crazy, but I have started the NaNoWriMo challenge! Just in case you don’t know, November is National Novel Writing Month. The challenge is to start a brand new story from scratch (no previous word count) and write 50,000 words before November 30th. Last night I finished day three. My goal for each day is 1667 words to finish on time. The first day I completed with 1682, day two I ended with 1963 and last night, 2064! So, I’m pretty excited about that and a huge part of me wishes that my blog could count towards my word count. haha.
So, on top of the new story, I’m still trying to keep my other story going, because I’m about halfway done. And on top of being a stay at home mom and teaching cake classes, trying to eat better, work out, and keep up with my exercise goals, I feel like I have a lot on my plate right now. My sister joked with me on the phone yesterday that I was Super Mom and I just laughed. If I was Super Mom I would be able to fly over the water instead of feeling like I’m barely holding my head above it! haha. But seriously Kenz, thanks for the compliment (even if you were joking) It made me feel better, like I could accomplish all of this!
To all the mom’s out there: Have you ever felt like that? That you have your super cape on, trying to battle the waves but you’re doing good to keep your head above the water? It is amazing to me what all we have to accomplish, all the many hats we wear: wife, mother, chauffeur, cook, maid, career woman, encourager, listener, friend. I could go on and on. And I’m not saying that our men do not help, don’t get me wrong, my husband is amazing. But the weight that falls on our shoulders can be extremely heavy at times.
Our chapter today, Psalm 49 talks about how no one can redeem another’s life. It doesn’t matter what we do, if we are poor or rich, if we have wisdom, if we boast of our riches, even if we life forever. There is nothing that we can do to pay for our ransom. There’s nothing that I can do, no way that I can pay back what Jesus has done for me. He was the only one that could pay that price. He was perfect, a spotless lamb, and the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He payed the ultimate price and He did that for me. He did that for you.
Psalm 49:15 says, “But as for me, God will redeem my life. He will snatch me from the power of the grave.”
You know, I can be the best wife, I can even be the best mother, most sacrificing person for my children. But no matter what I do for them, I can’t save them. I can’t put my super cape on rush in and save the day. I can’t save them, or exempt them from a life without knowing God. Only Jesus can save them. And as much I wish that I could make that decision for them. I can’t. What I can do, is raise them knowing about Him. I can love them the way that Jesus loves them. I can pray for them, and show them the way. And when the time comes for them to make a decision, I can point them to the one that can save them. I can point them to Jesus. Wow! What an amazing and rewarding super mom power is that? To show my kids Jesus!
Thank you Lord for your Word, and that it is LIVING! Even when I feel like my cape is getting soaked and I’m treading water, only You can lift me up out of that water and on dry land. You truly have redeemed my soul.
Has He redeemed you?
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