The past week has been rough around the Howard household. Daniel had the flu, (type A) and then gave it to me. Normally, this would be an annoying but manageable thing, but since our youngest is still in treatment for Leukemia, it became a larger concern. Our doctor told us that if anyone in the house comes down with the flu to call them immediately so they could call in a prescription of tamiflu for Gabe. So we did, and he’s on that for ten days. Gabe’s counts dropped to 200 ANC on Monday, so we are now on extra high alert to watch out for sickness this week. Hopefully his counts will go back up, and he can receive his chemo next week at his weekly appointment. Daniel and I managed to stay mostly to our rooms, trying to keep separated from the rest of the family. I’m ready to feel better, for spring, and warmer weather.
I’m back at my computer this week, continuing editing for MRP and working on two projects of my own. A completely new story for a contest, and book 2 of The Kalila Chronicles! I can’t wait to share more information about both new works, but the new story has to be secret until after the contest.
Until I can reveal more, have you read The Seer? Which character are you hoping to learn more about in book 2 and why? Leave me a comment below, you never know, your character may just be the one!
You can purchase The Seer on Amazon in both Kindle and print versions.
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