Have you ever wanted something so bad you just couldn’t stand it? Once you make up your mind that you want it, you can’t focus on anything else? My son is a pro at this. Especially when it comes to video’s games or Lego’s. He loves them. He hates to go outside, hates to play sports, nothing else hold his attention. But once he sees a new game or new Lego and he wants it, he asks for it, and asks for it, and asks for it till I almost give in just because I’m tired of saying no son, we can’t spend 60 dollars today on a new video game. Now before you think I’m just a horrible mom, he does get video games and Lego’s for his birthday, Christmas and special occasions. Lately, his kick has been to play Angry Birds on his dad’s cell phone. Jacob can just walk through the door and he’s asking for his phone. It cracks me up sometimes, he is so persistent.
What about you? Is there anything that you find yourself consumed with just because you want it? For me, I think I would have to say books. I absolutely LOVE to read. I have always been this way. I can remember every time I would go to the grocery with my mom I would ask for a book and try to be reading it in the car while it’s dark. Or staying up late with a flashlight reading so I wouldn’t get in trouble! (If you are reading, sorry mom!) 😉
Our scripture today is Psalm 42: 1, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; When shall I come and appear before God? ”
I absolutely love this verse. It does something deep inside of me. It reminds me that no matter what “objects” or things that I love to do, my family, my friends, nothing should come before my love for God. I should be focusing on Him, reading His word, worshiping Him, talking to Him. My soul should be thirsting for the living God. Nothing should make me want it more than growing closer to God, to have a relationship with Him. He should come first.
What objects or activities have you been “panting” for? And have you been putting them before God? One of the hardest things to do sometimes is keeping our priorities straight. We get so busy and torn between trying to be a good wife or husband, a good mother or father, a good friend, we work hard at our jobs to provide for our families that sometimes our relationship with God can go to the bottom. I know I haven’t purposely done that, but it does happen. If we keep our relationship with God first and foremost, all of our other relationships and priorities fall right into place, the way they are supposed to.
I encourage you to take a inventory of your relationships. In what order do you have them? Where does God fit in? What are you panting after?
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