Happy National Author’s Day!
When November 1st rolls around, my mind always goes to two things. Thanksgiving and NaNoWriMo. Thanksgiving is a time that always makes me happy. The beautiful fall day mixed with yummy food (turkey!) and family. I can’t get in the Christmas mood until turkey day is over.
NaNoWriMo also plays a huge role. Before this year, I used NaNoWriMo to accomplish the dream of finishing a novel and working on several book ideas that never came to fruition. However, it always gave me discipline and helped me to realize that I can do this crazy thing called writing. It didn’t matter if I made that 50,000-word goal or if my word count fell under that amount.
I was writing every day and that’s what’s important.
This year, I’m approaching NaNoWriMo differently. Since last time, I’ve published my first novel and completed my second novel in that series. The Soul Searcher (book two) is with my publisher and about to start the rounds of editing before it releases in February.
My goal for this year’s NaNoWriMo is book three in The Kalila Chronicles and start on a new project that has slowly crept it’s way to my heart, a novella series. This new fantasy series will be in the same story world as The Kalila Chronicles, but with new characters and societies.
What are your goals for NaNoWriMo? Leave me a comment and add me as a buddy. Mine is erinhoward2002.
To all my author friends, Happy National Author’s Day!
As this is my first National Author’s Day, I’m thankful for all of my readers, publisher, and author friends who encourage me every day. You all are the best!
I edited my goal when I realize that my novel needs to be written BEFORE my novella! LOL I’m working on book 1 of a new series, and my goal is to write 50,000 words, starting today! I had about 5,000 in, so another 50,000 will get me close to finishing! Good luck with your NaNoWriMo goals!
Oh yay! I thought your novella was coming first? Very exciting! ☺️