I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I’m back at the computer this week after spending time with family and co-hosting an FB event on Cyber Monday.
How are you doing with your writing goals this week? Need a boost to get you through the week? Today, I have author Sharon Rene with us. Welcome, Sharon!
Name: Sharon Rene
Genre: Children’s fiction
Latest Release: A Mixed Bag of God’s Grace
Writing Tip for Authors:
Don’t be afraid to develop your unique voice. There are so many writing “rules!” The rules are great, and my writing has improved dramatically because of them but they can become stifling. At times, I have to remind myself that writing is an art and we all have a special style and voice that shouldn’t be ignored.
You’re right, we can’t forget to let our voice shine through when we are writing. We all want polished, error-free books, but voice is important too. We need to find the perfect pairing of both.
New writers need to study the craft and develop a style. Experiment with different areas of writing – flash fiction, short story, creative non-fiction. Attend writer’s conferences and join a local group if possible. I recommend becoming a part of the Scribes Critique group on ACFW. I have learned so much about writing from this group and made a lot of good friends.

A Mixed Bag of God’s Grace is a collection of short stories for children, ages seven to eleven. The stories are biblical, historical and contemporary. The biblical section includes Daniel in the Lions’ den from the perspective of one of the hungry lions and the apostle Peter’s miraculous escape from prison. In the historical section, the reader travels to England in the middle ages and encounters a queen, knights, and a ship full of pirates. Modern young Christians face a variety of issues in the contemporary section. A devotion, prayer, and scripture follow each story.
Sharon Rene enjoys writing children’s and young adult books. Several of her flash fiction stories have been published by Splickety Magazine, and she’s also had nonfiction pieces published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and Life Changing Miracles. Her book for children ages seven to eleven is entitled A Mixed Bag of God’s Grace and was published in May 2018. Currently, she’s working on a YA speculative series. She is a columnist for Pursue Magazine, an online magazine for Christian teens, and also a member of The Storyteller Squad blog.
Sharon’s Social Media:
Purchase Link for A Mixed Bag of God’s Grace: Click here
Website: www.sharonreneauthor.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sharonreneauthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SharonRene4
The Storyteller Squad blog: https://storytellersquad.com/
Book Bub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/ane-mulligan
Thank you for joining us today! Sharon is giving away a copy of her book, all you have to do is comment on this post to enter! The winner will receive a paperback copy if in the USA and ebook if outside of USA.
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