It has been a bittersweet weekend for us. Jacob’s Granddad passed away and we had the funeral yesterday. It was a beautiful service and Jacob was asked to speak at the service and he did a wonderful job. My sister, brother-in-law, and my twin nieces were also here for the weekend. We had a great time hanging out with them. As much as we will miss Jacob’s Granddad, we got to celebrate his long life, he lived to be 90, and we got to enjoy our baby nieces that are just a month old!
Our verse today is Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” The chapter goes on to talk about how we shouldn’t fear if there are earthquakes, destruction or even if the world crumbles around our feet. That God is with us, He will protect us. He is our refuge.
I really love this verse. Not matter what I’m going through, no matter what the circumstances may be, I know that God is my safe place, He is my strength.
David was confident of God’s ability to save him. What about you? What if you were faced with destruction? What if you are in a valley? What if your problems seem to hard to bear? What if you feel all alone? What if the world crumbles around your feet? Like David, can you confidently say that God is with us? That you will not fear?
I would love to say that I wouldn’t fear. But sometimes when we are in the midst of our problems, the problems seem so big that we puff them up so much that we can’t see God. The problem or the circumstance seems to surround us. But the farther we get away from our problem and towards God the smaller the problem looks. We realize that we can get through it. That God is bigger then our problems. It’s so much easier to get through our difficulties when we realize that God is our refuge and our strength.
Have you made Him your refuge and strength?
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