Daniel has to learn a couple of songs for Christmas for Church. So last sunday they gave all the kids a cd to listen to and practice singing. Daniel has never really liked to sing that much, at least in front of anyone. Every now and then I will catch him singing along with KLOVE, especially when a worship song comes on that he has heard at church. But something was different this past sunday. He wanted to sing. He made us listen to the cd all the way from Calvert to Paducah (we had a meeting to go to) and then all the way back from Paducah to home. One of the songs was Joy to the World, but it was a little different, there is a part in the song where there is an echo part and it goes something like, “Joy, Joy, I say Joy.” Then it breaks out into Joy to the world. Anyway it was so cute, because Daniel is sitting the back of the van singing Joy, Joy, I say Joy as loud as he could, and was so excited.
We should sing to God with that same innocence and joy. We should want to sing praises to Him and worship Him. Psalm 29 verse 2 says, “Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” God created us to have a relationship with Him, to worship Him, and to tell others about Him. Yes we should worship Him because He is God and He created everything. But we should also worship Him because we love Him. Worship is one of my favorite parts of Church. I love the music, I love to sing. Something wonderful and powerful happens when we praise God. The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of his people. It is a sweet-smelling fragrence to Him.
We should keep this same attitude all the time. I love to turn on worship music and clean my house, or listen to KLOVE when I’m in the car. You can praise God anywhere, it doesn’t need to just be at Church or when you are with other believers. Take some time to worship Him today, get refreshed in His presence. Take some time to love on Him today.
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