All week leading up to Good Friday I have had a such humble appreciation for what Jesus done for me. How He went to the cross and took all of my sins upon Him. He was beaten, mocked, whipped, and died the most horrible excruciating death. He was crucified, so that I may live. My spirit has been in such a state of awe and gratitude this week.
But as I woke up this morning, (well as Jacob kept telling me, “you take the longest to get ready, get up!” and my reply of “leave me alone.”) as soon as my feet hit the floor my spirit quickened. Excitement coursed through me and felt like shouting, “He is Risen!”
Today is such a wonderful, exciting day. I serve a God who could not be stopped by death and the grave! He is Risen! He is alive and well and one day I will be with Him!
If you do not have a place to worship this morning, come worship with me! Four Rivers Church in Calvert City, (also in Paducah) at 9:15, and 11:00! It is going to be amazing, you don’t want to miss it!
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