Leading up to the release of The Seer, I shared quotes from the characters and gave you a little inside information about those characters. At the Launch Party, there were postcards of each quote for you to choose from.
Now that a few weeks have gone by since the release of The Seer, I’m dying to know which character quote is your favorite, now that you’ve had some time to read it. (If you haven’t got your copy yet, what are you waiting for?!)
If you attended the party and got a signed copy, you can probably guess which one is my favorite. 😉
I also wanted to take a moment and thank everyone that has taken the time to send me a message, comment, tagged me in pictures, referred others to read it, and left reviews for The Seer. I can’t tell you enough how much it means to me to see and read your reactions! So, thank you!
Please keep tagging me in pictures and letting me know what you think of The Seer, and if you can, leave an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads. Reviews are very important for authors. (after a specified amount, Amazon shows it in the recommended section, and you can do special advertising with different promotions)
Please take a moment and vote on your favorite quote!
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