One of the top reasons given when you ask a teen or adult why they do not want to come to Church, is because of hypocritical people. Not because there’s not enough members, programs, potlucks, etc. It’s because of hypocrites. Let that sink in for just a minute. Hurts doesn’t it? This should break our hearts. What are we doing? This isn’t a game, it is people’s souls that are at stake. The sad fact of the matter is that no matter where you go, there will be hypocrites. No Church is void of them, it’s sad but true. Go ahead and raise your hand because another fact is that at one point of your life, you were or have been hypocritical. I know, I know, you don’t want to hear it but it’s true.
If you are a Christian this should challenge you. We have a very important lesson to learn from this. When we hear that people don’t want to come to church because we are hypocritical, that should make us stop and examine ourselves. Stop talking and start walking. Church is not just a Sunday morning service, it’s not just sitting in the seats and nodding your head and saying amen. It’s living it daily. It’s a relationship. People want to see you be real. They don’t want religion. They want substance, they want to experience God and see Him move, see Him work in people’s lives.
Our Chapter today talks about hypocrites and how David strives to walks continually in God’s ways and truths. And then at the bottom of the chapter verse 12 says: “My feet stand on level ground; in the great assembly I will praise the Lord.” I looked up the word ground in Hebrew, it means: plateau, plain, level ground (of ruling and right living) uprightness, justice, straightness.
So I challenge you today. Stand on level ground. Live the way that you preach, have a personal relationship with God. Pray for the people in your church and go out and win people for Christ. Show them His love, reach out and help them. Ask God to pour out His anointing on you, your church. Ask Him to move in people’s lives. Once someone experiences God, they will never be the same again!
If you are not going to Church because of this reason, I want to encourage you to try again. Just know that not everyone in church are hypocrites. There are people who have a relationship with God and are striving daily to walk in His truth. They make mistakes, but they get back up again and keep going forward. If someone has hurt you because of this and you don’t want to go back to church, please try again. You will be able to find people who genuinely care about you.
I want you and Jacob to know how much you are loved.You are such a family after God’s heart.I have been praying that God would send mentors and leaders for the youth at our church.I know how it is for God to call and for you to trust and follow no matter what.God sees the whole picture and if we trust Him with all our pieces then He can take and make something of beauty with it.First we must of course give God ourself the good,ok.and the not so great parts too.We must release all our cares at His feet and leave them there.With our hand extended towards Him in prayer and release then He can fill us with blessings that flow as long as we keep our hands stretched out too Him and the other hand open towards others.That is the way God’s Spirit flows through the life of the believer in power.As a living stream that flows not a stagnant pond.I see that stream alive in you and Jacob.May you and your family be blessed.
Thank you so much Debbie! We are really excited to see what God has in store. It’s also a nice blessing to see a familiar face there! I didn’t know that you guys were going there! 😉