Sometimes life is just too hard. There are days when all I want to do is go back to bed, throw the covers over my head and try again tomorrow. However, reality sets in and as soon as my head hits the pillow and I start to drift off, the baby wakes up. Good-bye self-wallowing. Hello spit up and dirty diapers. But seriously, you know those kind of days when you over sleep, can’t find your keys, forget to pay a bill, have a million errands to run, blah, blah, blah. All the things that can go wrong, does, and sometimes just for fun, a really big problem gets thrown into the mix.
I tend to be a problem tucker. Something goes wrong; I just tuck that problem down deep and keep going. No biggie.
Second, tuck, third, tuck, tuck. By the third or fourth, I’m frustrated and irritable. Then something else happens and before you know it, I’m on major meltdown mode. I’m stressed, the kids are stressed and start fighting because I’m stressed and by the time my husband comes home, he is on double stress duty. Breaking up squabbles and listening to my ranting and crying. Have you ever had those days?
Did I mention that I’m a tucker? I know I totally made up that term, but it fits, right?
A few years ago, I heard a sermon that has stuck with me every since. It was a sermon about two little words that can change your whole perspective on how you view your problems.
“But God.”
It changes everything. Those two words. I can be going through the most terrible circumstances. I can be stressed, or worried. I can be sad, or lonely, or discouraged. Any number of things can happen and rob me of my joy. And if I dwell on those things long enough, guess what happens? I believe them, and I’m focusing on just my problems and nothing else.
“But God. ”
What if when I’m down and need encouraging, I just change my thinking and sentence with “But God.”
I may be feeling like something is impossible….But with God all things are possible.
I may be feeling weak…But God is my strength.
I may be feeling attacked…But God says that no weapons formed against me will prosper.
I may be feeling sad…But God said that He is near the brokenhearted.
I may be tired…But God said that He will be my strength.
“But God” takes me out of the equation. It takes my attention off of myself and reminds me that God is bigger than my problems. He knows my future. He knows what is best for me. I can trust Him. He knows the big picture. He can make the impossible, possible.
Once you start speaking the promises of God, it changes everything. It changes your outlook; it changes your thoughts, it increases your faith. It helps you to be able to trust Him, and put your perspective back on him and off of you.
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